Notes on One-Year of Self-Implemented Traction
LMC is on a mission to be a world-class company that delivers world-class service. During our journey, we discovered Gino Wickman’s Entrepreneurial Operating System or EOS.
EOS is a management system and a set of tools to help businesses succeed. In early 2023, our entire leadership team devoured EOS’s flagship book, ‘Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business’ – which introduced us to the most compelling definition of a world-class company:
Businesses that are successful have a clear vision that everyone shares. They have the right people in the right seats. Each week, they watch and manage a handful of numbers. They identify and solve issues promptly in an open and honest environment. Their processes are documented and ensured to be followed by everyone. All team member’s priorities are established and there is a high level of trust, communication, and accountability.
Implementing EOS involves following the EOS model, which has six main components (each with an associated set of tools):
- Vision: Communicating a clear vision of where the organisation is heading and how it will get there by answering eight key questions.
- People: Investing in the right people to execute the vision.
- Data: Measuring organisational and individual performance objectively.
- Problems: Identifying and solving problems at their roots using IDS (Identify, Discuss, Solve).
- Process: Using effective processes to create consistency and scalability. This involves documenting organisational key processes and constantly training staff.
- Traction: Establishing a consistent agenda and setting individual goals to ensure discipline and accountability within the organisation.
This model involves a systematic roll-out of each tool and component … and plenty of buy-in! Below is an outline of the criteria for this system. This is the roadmap LMC intends to follow:
1. Read the book ‘Traction’ by Gino Wickman:
- ‘Traction’ is a key concept within the EOS framework. It refers to the discipline and accountability needed to execute a vision. This book gives you a foundational understanding of EOS. Everyone on the leadership team needs to read it.
2. Get Leadership Buy-In:
- Ensure that the leadership team is committed to implementing EOS. This requires a shared understanding of the benefits and a willingness to embrace change. Over the years we’ve built a culture of continuous learning and improvement, so the leadership team is ready. However, the next step is crucial:
3. Hire an EOS Implementer or Choose to Self-Implement
- Without a specific person driving the application of the model, there can be no accountability. Consequently, a certified EOS Implementer can assist the organisation in implementing the platform and troubleshooting any challenges that may arise. There’s also the option of finding someone with the experience and skills needed to spearhead the implementation process internally – we have chosen to self-implement. An internal partner can support the implementation process daily, which has proven invaluable. In addition, EOS resources, discussion forums, and YouTube videos are all available for free online.
4. Identify Your Vision:
- Clearly define the organisation’s vision. The entire leadership team needs to gather off-site to define core values, purpose, and long-term goals using the Vision/Traction Organiser (V/TO) tool to document this.
5. Build a leadership team:
- Ensure that the right people are in the right seats, using the Accountability Chart Tool to clarify roles and responsibilities.
6. Implement EOS Tools:
- Introduce and consistently use EOS tools such as the V/TO, Accountability Chart, Rocks (90-day priorities), Scorecard (measuring key metrics), and IDS (Identify, Discuss, Solve) for issue-solving.
7. Roll Out EOS to the Entire Organisation:
- Once the leadership team is confident in their own understanding and use of the EOS model and tools, these are shared with the entire organisation. Ensure communication about the EOS changes and benefits, to get buy-in. This is a continuous process.
8. Hold weekly Level 10 meetings:
- Hold weekly Level 10 meetings to make sure the leadership team is on the same page and to address issues. It’s called ‘Level 10’ because every weekly leadership meeting ends with members rating the meeting on a scale of 0-10. Each person rates the quality of dialogue, progress made towards goals, and meaningful discussions.
9. Integrate EOS into Your Culture:
- Make EOS a part of the organisation’s culture. Encourage accountability, transparency, and EOS tools used in daily operations.
10. Review and Adjust:
- Regularly review EOS progress and be willing to adjust. The system is designed to be flexible and customisable to organisational needs.
11. Continue Learning:
- Keep learning about EOS principles. Attend free online EOS workshops, read additional books, and participate in forums to continuously improve implementation. EOS takes at least three years to implement, and success comes from consistently applying the tools and principles.
In our first year as self-implementers, we’ve noticed many positive changes in organisational focus, communication, and overall performance. Different departments communicate more regularly and in a more structured way, we respond to issues quickly, and we’re all more engaged with the long-term goals of the company. As a result, we have had one of our most successful years to date. As we enter 2024, we will continue to focus on strengthening our leadership team’s leadership, management, and accountability skills.
Watch this video for a hightlights package.